Thursday, July 26, 2012

Things I would like to change...

Here are our ideas about things we would like to change.
Things I would like to change at school...

Things I would like to change at home...

Things I would like to change about myself...


  1. Hi! Room 2,
    I love your blog. I liked watching your videos.
    I would change the school with superhero powers.
    From Caylee
    Room 4

  2. Hi Room 2, I loved watching all these videos about things that you would like to change. You thought of some great ideas!

    I especially liked the comments about staying up later, remembering things and changing your room around. You have worked so hard on speaking clearly too. I wonder what I could change? I think I would like to sleep in on Saturdays instead of going to hockey!

    From Ms O'Neil
