Friday, September 21, 2012

I Love Learning finalist

Congratulations Pepuere who is a finalist in the I Love Learning competition.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

What was it all about?

We watched the Operetta and asked what was it all about? We worked with a buddy to understand one part of the Operetta. What did the song words mean? What can we learn from this? It was hard work thinking. Watching and listening to the video helped. These are our ideas.
Click on the book below to read.

Operetta 2012 - What was it all about?

Friday, September 14, 2012

Performing in the Operetta

It was really dark. We had on our cool costumes.
There were lights outside the hall.
We got a bit lost in the dark but it wasn't scary. 
Lots of big kids were outside too.

We could hear Ihipera singing 'A Change is Gonna Come'. 
Her singing was incredible.
People were cheering and clapping. 
We had to wait and listen for our song to come on.

It was cold outside and we were a bit nervous and excited.
The hall was crowded. 
The coloured lights shone in our eyes. 
When we got on the stage we felt a bit shy but brave too.
It was incredible!
We felt proud of our performance.
We heard people shouting out our names
Isabel's singing was amazing.
The audience cheered and clapped.

Shared writing by Room 2

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Monday, September 10, 2012

Operetta: A Change is Gonna Come

It's Operetta Week.
To watch the Operetta you need to buy a ticket from the office.
On Monday we are having a full dress rehearsal so we all need our costumes at school.
On Tuesday, Wednesaday and Thursday there are evening shows at 7pm.
We all have to come to school for these in the evening.
If our parents don't have tickets we still have to come, they can drop us off and pick us up later.
We are excited. The lights are cool and colourful. We are learning to be preformers, to do our best on the stage every time.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

I Love Learning

You can see the Room 2 entries in the I Love Learning competition by clicking the image below.
Search for Hamilton East School entries.