Saturday, December 7, 2019

Food festival

We all enjoyed our wonderful International Food Festival last week.

The weather was perfect. The food was wonderful and the performances were amazing.

Room 5's job was to organise the rubbish.
We are serious about reducing our plastic use so we encouraged everyone to bring their own plates to eat from.
For those who didn't we had recyclable paper plates and cups and bamboo spoons.
We made signs to show people which bin to put their rubbish in.
On Friday we collected the rubbish and put it into a garden bed in the Kitchen Garden.

We tipped the paper rubbish into the concrete garden bed.
We pressed it down a bit.

We scooped up the soil we'd taken out of the bed and tipped it back on top of the rubbish.


Finally we had refilled the garden bed. Now we will wait and next year maybe we will dig it up to see how well it has rotted down. We will find out if paper plates and spoons really are compostable.


Another thing we have been doing in Room 5 to help our planet is rescuing monarch caterpillars and letting them grow away from wasps inside our classroom.

So far we have released about thirty butterflies.

A very hungry caterpillar!

They made their chrysalises in some very unusual places.

Once they are ready to fly we have been putting them outside on a cabbage tree to finish drying their wings.

Fly free beautiful butterflies!

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