Monday, August 8, 2022

Wondering about our new Unit!

This afternoon we explored different materials to begin our unit of inquiry 'Fabrics and Fibres'.

Each small group had a bag of different fabric scraps to explore. We thought like scientists and these are some things we noticed:

 It's like tissue paper. 

This one is stretchy.

This one feels wooly and stretchy

This has a shiny side and the other side isn't.

I can see through this one.

I would make a badge out of this one.

This one is pink.

This one is super soft.

This feels like carpet.

This one is cold like the fridge.

The noise when I rub this is like rubbish rustling.

This one would be a good ninja headband.

The ones that don't stretch make a sound when you pull them.

This one feels like a beanie.

This one feels nice.

This one is pretty strong.

You can make pictures out of the fabrics.

Some of them feel rough and some feel elasticy and some feel soft.

How can we sort these?

We made a pile of stretchy fabric, loud fabric, and stretchy and loud ones and ones that aren't stretchy or loud.

We sorted them into colours. We folded them up too.

I did a pile of stretchy and also I made a pile of not stretchy ones.

We sorted them into stretchy and not stretchy.

We sorted them by colour and how they felt and if they made noise,

We sorted a little bit by colour and we sorted by how they felt.

We sorted by colour and stretchy and not stretchy and soft/fluffy and not soft/fluffy.

We sorted them by stretchiness and colour.

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