Tuesday, December 14, 2021

End of an era

School's out for summer!

Last day of school for Ms Jones forever.

Farewell to everyone. 

Kia ora koutou,
Well, we have reached the end of 2021. What a momentous year.

I am leaving school and leaving teaching tomorrow, after 22 years at Hamilton East School. I'm heading off into the wide blue yonder in my Princess Minor caravan, to travel the wilds of the South Island and to finish the book I've been writing for several years now.

It's been a bonus to have been able to finish my teaching career with such a lovely class of children. Thank you for all your support and kindness this year.

Here are some photos of the last few weeks with Room 5 and Room 6, based in the library.

Haere Rā

I learned to topiary heads. Here is Oscar and Elmo, who live in the garden outside the library.

We made wrapping paper in the hall.

Here are our beautiful pots we made the paper to wrap.

Presents wrapped.

In the library, doing phonics practice.

Decorated pots.

In the garden

We planted our kumara: "Grow, kumara, grow!"

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